Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Spain At My Doorstep


Clumbsy Cookie said...

Mazapanes de Toledo! Yummmy I love those, their all over the place during Christmas time in Spain!

Cheryl said...

Hmm, maybe it's supposed to be one of those glass sangria pitchers with the bubble built inside for ice? I'm not explaining it well, and I couldn't find a picture, but that's what everyone used when I lived in Spain.

Looks like you got some yummy stuff. I love Spanish food!

Anonymous said...

spanish paprika! it is the shiz-nit - it makes everything taste better. well, almost everything.

giz said...

Really unusual - it looks like it's saying PI

Anonymous said...

So those shapes are marzipan? They look like they are caramelized on top or something. Yummy.